Monday, February 19, 2007

Measures Against Anwar Bunni

This has just come in from Farid. If true it is very worrying:

Washington DC - February 19, 2007/The Syria Monitor Blog/ -- In an unprecedented move, the Syrian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has declared before the criminal court its intention to criminalize activist lawyer Anwar Bunni and then to present the ruling, once it comes out, to the Ministry of the Interior in order to strip Bunni of his citizenship, according to reports in AKI (Arabic, 2/19/07) and Elaph (Arabic, 2/18/07).

The Ministry, which called for the maximum sentence, also demanded compensation for all the sums received by Bunni from the EU Commission, as director of the (partially EU-funded) center for human rights which he opened in Syria and which the Syrian authorities shut down a week after its opening.


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