Thursday, September 06, 2007

Making the Conference Work

How can we have a peace process without Syria? Impossible now. Rafi Dajani of ATFP sends this item in which the Israel Policy Forum urges that proper preparation take place before the Mideast Fall conference, most notably a prior agreement on a statement of principles and the attendance of key Arab states:

MAKING THE CONFERENCE WORK By Jonathan Wisbey The Israel Policy Forum September 5, 2007
More than a month after it was initially announced, the US-sponsored peace conference tentatively scheduled to take place this November—and the ambiguity surrounding nearly every aspect of it—is still a topic of heated debate.

First proposed in mid-July, the conference is the keystone of a Bush administration initiative designed to take advantage of the situation created in the Palestinian Authority by the Fatah-Hamas unity government’s violent dissolution. The United States hopes that the conference will provide Israel with an opportunity to reach some form of agreement with Abbas’ moderate Palestinian leadership and reverse the political gains made by Hamas in 2007.


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